Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Further Brooch Ponders

Just had the great idea to cast my sheath brooch into clear silicon and then trap gauze in it! could be interesting... maybe

Monday, April 25, 2016

Early Stage Lettuce

Currently trying to make sculptris open my lettuce file, doesn't seem to want too...

Refining the Scans

Sheathed Annelise and normal Annelise currently being reworked. They imported into sculptris at weird angles which makes it hard to orient them in a workable way.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Brooch Idea 2.5?

I think it would also be neat if I was stuck inside the frame... kind of like this dude.

Elaboration on original brooch idea...

On further thought... could I just plaster my face on other fruits and vegetables like eggplants and potatoes?? These are more of my artist cards

Brooch Idea Uno: God of The Cabbages

I've always been drawn to cabbages and its leafy cousins (like Kale). I'm thinking of wrapping my head in lettuce and scanning that. Below is an artist card I did freshman year of my face on a cabbage...

Historic Cameos

Historic cameo examples. Some by Rene Lalique!

Nicolas Cage (our one true god) render